004 – Creating a Nutritional Supplement Program that Works

Steve LankfordOne of the biggest challenges consumers face when choosing which nutritional supplements to use is making distinctions in the marketplace. It is very difficult for consumers to discern the differences between similar products and it is difficult for them to assess whether one choice is better than another. This challenge is compounded when one is dealing with a health challenge. We all want to take the ‘right’ product. We all want to take the ‘best’ product.
How does one do that? What should one consider when putting together a nutritional program that is effective?
In this episode of Health Quest I will outline for you some of the choices you have to make. This show is for the person who wants to take control of their health. Someone who is proactive and wants to understand the choices that lay before them.
I believe that better understanding and more knowledge leads to better choices. No one cares about your body than you and you have the supreme responsibility to order your life and take care of your health. This show is for people who take that control and are seeking better health through nutrition. This show should help you crystallize your thinking as you consider your choices of what to take and how to proceed.
If after all of this, you are not comfortable making some of these choices, seek out some support. There are many nutritional resources available to you. Seek them out, ask questions, ask for recommendations and you will hopefully find the resources you need to guide you along. Find someone you have confidence in and work with them.
If you would like to learn more, go to our sister site, HealthQuestRadioShow.com. There you will find a library of interviews with the best experts in the fields of science, research and natural health. Check out the very easy search page to find exactly the content you are seeking.

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